3 Reasons Why Shopping For The Lowest Price Can Actually Cost More? Of course shopping for products by cost has its advantages, however there are several other factors that should guide your decisions including product quality, availability, warranty policy and customer service. 1) Lead Time - Are you really saving money if your supplier’s lead-time is outside of the normal industry standards? No, you’re wasting time which always equates to loss revenue and even worst it gives your company a bad reputation with customers. Long lead times can cripple a business especially in a time sensitive industry like snow removal. 2) Quality - Another example is quality. We all know the saying, you get what you pay for; and from your own experience, and you know this is about 90% true. When quality is sacrificed for cost you risk turning away the loyal customers who’ve relied on your products and helped build your business. 3) Customer Service - Let’s assume you know the supplier you’re satisfied with their quality, lead-time, warranty, etc., but how is their customer service? Do they return your emails and calls in a timely manner? Do they help you find the correct parts the first time? In this new e-commerce driven economy customer service is what separates average companies from great companies. At Central Parts, we believe in giving great customer service, quality products, and short lead times, but we also have the most competitive prices. � |